LIfe is meaningless without Allah

Life always goes forward. When one was born to this world, he or she has been walking ahead until death finally comes. Life is not eternal. How many years do man live in this world? At the beginning of the birth, human beings are very weak. Noting can they do, except of the adult’s help. Babies are like canvas, pure like a blank paper. What will the babies be, depend on the writer, they are the parents of the babies. When the human babies are grown-up, they become such a proud man, they feel they can do anything, they feel they don’t need helps from others anymore.

Allah is the purpose of life
Allah the Almighty 

The grown-ups do and spend most of their time enjoying the life, the life of joy like the world never stops. They can do whatever the want to do to enjoy the world that is full of joy, glory, luxury and many things without thinking the important goal, the important purpose of life itself. The rich doesn’t care the poor. People don’t suggest to give food and kindness to others. There are so many crimes everywhere both in society and in the government environment where no one can be counted, trusted anymore. People begin to leave their religion. Shortly, life is meaningless.

The condition happens until they find their death, until they are buried, and breathe for the last time, they really don’t think about the mission of the life itself. Regret always comes afterwards. No one can live longer than hundreds. Being born, grown up then get old, back to the time where he  or she was born firstly, weak, weak, then dies.

For human beings, we are the creature of God, Allah. We really have our task in this world. A task form God. Allah has taught us by means of His messenger that gave us the news from Him. To live happily we must hold Allah’s order. Religion can guide us live happily from this world until hereafter. One who has a true religion, his or her life will be peaceful. He or she will realize the existence or himself or herself. Living in this false world is a moment, so, we must spend this life in a right way, on Allah’s track. Surely we can be safe forever. Never let ourself to be driven by such a temporal joy, fake that leads us to the worst place, the firing hell. 

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