Facebook can be an efective media to improve our English skill

Facebook can be a media to improve our English. There are many facilities that can be used such as chatting, status update-comment, video call and so on. By means of this we can share many things to other people both the local people and the foreign ones as well.

Facebook is sugested for English learners
Facebook is good for improving English

Facebook has been part of our online activities. This can not be separated from our lives. People sometime use facebook to kill their times than doing nothing. This activity can cheer up the boring situation. People use both of their computer, laptop, and mobile phone as well. The practical one is by using mobile phones, because we can bring it anytime and anywhere, while we are away outdoor.

Back to English, Facebook becomes the most popular social networking both for young teenagers and adult people. The teenagers, however, use more than the adult. For the English learners who have been learning or improving English skill. This social networking can be such an effective means of improving and sharpening English capability.

To develop our English, for example, we can join certain Group, like English teachers Group, Share English for Everything Okay(SEFEO), English pages such as Englishindo, Englishigh, Bahasa Inggris Anak Indonesia, Inggristopsite, and many other groups and English pages spread. We can update our status, and many people in the groups will comment then we can also reply the comments. Or maybe we can comment other status. This can encourage our English. The more we practice the better can we get then.

Another interesting one, is, we can have a chat both by means of Chatting and Video call as well. Those can be such an enjoying activity, we can chat in English with the native speaker friends we have from other countries. This can be a media for sharpening our speaking skills. It seems hard at the beginning but as times goes by, it becomes a habit and we can talk smoothly afterwards. Take aside the grammatical features when we have a chat, the important thing is that, we can try to speak up,, no matter the words and sentences are grammatically wrong, but the people we ask to talk with, understand our intention.

Finally, the writer would like to encourage the English learners to use  Facebook as one of the best media for improving English skills. Hopefully, this brief article can help all of the visitors of Inggris Anak.com. Thanks for reading. 

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