The 2013 Curriculum will lead Indonesia backward

The 2013 curriculum will be directly implemented soon on July 2013. All of schools beginning from the primary to the senior high school must obey the new regulation from the ministry of Education and culture affairs(Kemdikbud). there some changes on the subject taught in each schools. For example, in the primary school, there will be only six subjects, i.e. PKn, religion, Indonesian, Mathematics, Art and Culture(SBK), and Penjas Orkes. IPA and IPS are integrated in Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia), Local content like Javanese, and other regional language are integrated in SBK. Then English will be an extracurricular. It means that English is not a compulsory subject for elementary/primary school.

English has been being taught in primary school since 1994, it was such a suggestion from the government to considerly introduce it to children. As it has been for more than one decades, then roughly the government eliminated it from the primary school curriculum. Of course this will lead many people to  protest. Parents mostly disagree with the Government policy relating to this matter. The biggest problem is that to where the English teachers so far who have been teaching for years in elementary school be relocated? Of course, they will have no place anyamore. Brieflyly , the 2013 curriculum will make English teachers unemployed.

The 2013 Curriculum makes English teachers unemployed
English has narrow space to develop in Indonesia because of  the 2013 Curriculum

The 2013 Curriculum will give little chance for children to know English. This curriculum also limits the students, under junior high level to develop their English. To tell the truth, children are really easy to gain receive such English input which is good for themselves. There are many students who are disappointed because they can learn English in their primary school anymore. They don’t get their right to learn many things including English.

By removing or making English as extracurricular only, it will not be effective to learn English. English will not be studied completely, English will remain a subject that is not really taught. There will not be English learning in real atmosphere. In this globalization era, English is inevitable, everything are printed in English, science, knowledge are written in English. Computer needs English skill of the users, and so on.  It’s not fair if English is eliminated. There are many big cities, many tourism places in Indonesia need to introduce and give their children early English. For example in Bali, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, etc needs English curriculum at earlier period to equip children in English communicative skill. In conclusion, The 2013 Curriculum has made many disadvantageous in our life