A.      Competence Standard and Base Competence
1.       Understanding and responding the instructions heard verbally.
2.       Identifying the expressions of greetings and partings.

1.       Expressing simple instructions.
2.       Saying greetings or partings and how to respond them.
3.       Swapping greeting and parting each other and asking how his or her friend is.

1.       Understanding how to pronounce the expression of greetings and partings.
2.       Reading aloud kinds of greeting and parting and asking news in English.

1.       Spelling and copying kinds of greeting and parting and how to write them.
2.       Writing the expression of greetings and partings, i.e. short conversation.

B.      Indicators
Ø  Listen what the teacher says carefully the expression of kinds of greeting and parts of partings in English, and the students imitate and repeating then.
Ø  The students are hoped to be able to respond well the teacher’s  instructions.
Ø  The students are hoped to be able to pronounce the words that they heard correctly.
Ø  The students are hoped to be able to identify the expression of kinds of greetings and partings.
Ø  The students are hoped to be able to understand and mention parts of greetings and partings.
Ø  The students read aloud short texts about two people swap greeting and parting.
Ø  The students are hoped to be able to answer the teacher’s questions.
Ø  The students are hoped to be able to practise a dialogue each other by short conversations.
Ø  The students complete short conversations about swapping greeting and partings.

C.      Lesson of the Study
How are you?
Greeting and Parting

D.      Steps of the Study
1.       Building knowledge of the field
-          The teacher says a part of greeting slowly  and cearly based on time. Then repeat and repeat till the students understand.
-          Afterwards, the teacher mentions another greeting and parts of them and then repeats again.
-          The students are asked to imitate what the teacher said and repeat.
-          The teacher asks the students Questions of greeting by giving examples to the students first.
-          The teacher and The students make some dialogues in turn.

2.       Modelling of the text
-          The students listen what the teacher has said and imitate.
-          The students respond the teacher talks and understand them.
-          The students can mention and understand kinds of greeting and parting based on the time and parts of parting in English.
-          The students answer what the teacher’s questions.
-          The students make a short dialogue in groups of two.

3.       Joint  Construction of the text
-          The teacher asks the students about greeting and parting
-          The students answer what the teacher asks
-          Match greetings with the responses.

4.       Independent Construction of the text
-          Mention greetings and partings orally in every meeting.
-          The students are given a task to practice dialogue about the expression of greetings.

E.       The study method
§  Drill (Audio lingual method)
§  Guessing
§  Question and Answer
§  Role Play

F.       Instruments/Sources of the Study
§  English for children
§  Start with English
§  Oxford English Picture Dictionary
§  Other English relevant books
§  Etc.

G.     Score
Aspects of Score : (pronunciaton, style and Spelling)
§  Listening /Speaking
§  Reading
§  Writing (Copying)

How to score :
§  Oral / written test
§  Observation of the class
§  The teacher’s score

                                                                                                                         Siberuk,  . . . . . . July 2012
With the Principal’s Knowledge

S U T O Y O, S.Pd.SD
NIP. 196006051980121007

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The English teacher,

M U S T O F A, S.Pd