Apa itu Question words? Mari belajar tentang kalimat tanya Bahasa Inggris

Kalimat tanya dalam Bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu:
Kalimat tanya yes no question dan kalimat tanya degan menggunakan Question words(kata tanya).

A. Yes No Question
Kalimat tanya ini digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu yang jawabannya selalu ya atau tidak.
Cara membuat kalimat tanya yes no question adalah dengan meletakkan to be/auxiliary verb/modal di depan subjek.

Contoh kalimat tanya yes no question dalam berbagai tenses(bentuk waktu)
1. Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, I am not
2. Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. No, she isn not/isn’t
3. Does he go to the post office? Yes, He does. No he doesn’t
4. Do they play football? Yes, they do. No, They don’t
5. Was it cute? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t
7. Were you disappointed yesterday? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t
8. Did he eat the apple? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t
9. Have you got the ticket? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t
10.Shall we go to the swimmingpool tomorrow? Yes, we shall. No we shall not.
11. Will father drive the car? Yes, he will. No he will not(won’t)
12. Should I go alone? Yes, you should. No, You shouldn’t.
13. Can you sing a song? Yes, I can. No, I can’t
14. May I borrow your money? Yes you may. No you may not

B. Question Word
Kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan Question Word(5 W + 1 H):
1. What
2. Where
3. When
4. Why
5. Who
6. How

What digunakan untuk menanyakan objek dan subjek benda(apakah)
Contoh :
- What do you study? I study Englsih
- What eats grass? A buffalo eats grass

Where digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat(dimana)
Contoh :
- Where do you live? I live in Batang
- Where are you from? I am from Siberuk Tulis

When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu(kapan)
Contoh :
- When does she go to Pekalongan? She goes to Pekalongan on Mondays
- When will you meet me? I will meet you at seven

Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan/sebab(mengapa/kenapa)
Contoh :
- Why did he come late? He came late because he got a traffic jam.
- Why are you sad? I am sad because my grandma is sick.

Who digunakan untuk menanyakan subjek (siapa)
Contoh :
- Who is sleeping? Anita is sleeping/Anita
- Who reads a book everyday? Munip reads a book everyday/Munip does

How digunakan untuk menanyakan cara, keadaan, kualitas,kuantitas, harga dan lain-lain
Contoh :
- How do you go to school? I go to school on foot.
- How are you today? I am fine
- How old are you? I am twenty seven years old
- How long is Pekalongan from Batang? It is 2 kilometers away
- how much is one kilogram of apple? It is eighteen thousand rupiahs.

Uraian di atas hanya sebagian kecil saja sebagai pengetahuan sekilas tentang kalimat tanya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Anda dapat mempelajarinya lebih detail lagi. Thanks for reading.

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