My name is Mustofa. When I was in junor high school I was interested in English. For me, English is the most enjoyable subject. I liked the teacher, She taught me enthusiastically So I can understood it. I like the way she taught. I got the best value in English. So when I continued my study to a senior high scholl I had had a basic English from the Junior High school I got. My English became better and better. I felt my progression from time to time. Then finally, I got S1 English Department at IKIP PGRI Semarang. Now I have been trying to improve my English.

English learning
You Tube can Improve our English

I really want to share to you all  of my friends about the way to learn english easily. There are many ways to improve our English skills. One of them is watching You Tube videos. I really thanks to Smartfriend who has helped me to be always connected in internet. Everyday I can be online and share with other people in the world. I can learn many thing through internet, especially to develop my english. I feel the progression of my English. One of the effective way to improve my English is by watching the You Tube videos. There so many coversation, so many guidance in learning English. I can download as many videos as I can. Then I can play them on my computer. Because the internet connection in my home doesn’t have a big bandwith i just can download the youtube videos. I can not watch it live online because it takes time to play, it’s buffering too long. Anyway, I can still enjoy the youtube videos by downloading them and play them on mya computer. It’s ok. If i wan to have a live watching I must go to Internet service place(warnet).

You Tube contains many things to watch including English learning. Here I can watch and listen to the popular people like US president Barrack Obama, Windows founder Bill gates and others. It's really interesting because I can learn my Listening skills with the native speakers. By getting accustomed to listening to them My ear is well-trained to listen, to hear such difficult utterances spoken by the native speakers. Beside I can be familiar with them, I can get a goo d guidance about grammar and others through this interesting site. I recomend to you all my friends to watch youtube videos, to learn English via youtube. Because You Tube is one of the medias to improve our english capasity. Thanks for reading. Hope our english will be getting better and better. Succes for you friends

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