Garis besar Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII SLTP/Mts

Desa Sengon Subah
Mts Darul Hikmah

Semester I

1.   Greeting and leave taking
2.   Introducing myself and others
3.   Imperative sentence
4.   Asking and giving information
5.   Saying thanks
6.   Appologizing
7.   Politeness
8.   Caution/Notice/Warning
9.   Greeting card
10.        Pronouns
11.        Conjuctions(and, or but)
12.        WH Questions
13.        Simple present tense

Semester II

1.   Asking and giving help
2.   Asking and giving things
3.   Asking and giving fact
4.   Asking and giving opinion
5.   Expressing like and dislike
6.   Asking clarification
7.   Shopping list
8.   Announcement
9.   Invitation
10.        Preposition
11.        Countable and uncountable
12.        Future and be going to
13.        Present countinuous tense
14.        Descriptive text(people)
15.        Procedure text (food)

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