Indonesia has no clear curriculum for elementary school in English Education. The government, however has recommended The elementary School to teach English as a local content. The government considered English is needed to be taught earlier. English is taught 2 hours a week and it starts from the fourth to the sixth grade. Indonesian students need to be introduced English better at elementary school to face the globalization era. The teaching learning process then get some serious problems. The problems are: So far, the curriculum of English at elementary school still confused. The government doesn’t give the exact and the same guidance then English education doesn’t have the same perception among the elementary schools in Indonesia. The next problem is, there are no professional teacher who teach English at elementary school in Indonesia. The government has no regulation to recruit English teachers for elementary school. The elementary schools only recruit the class teachers, religion teachers, Penjas Orkes teachers and one headmaster.

To tell the truth, English has been taught in all elementary schools in Indonesia. And the government still doesn’t care about it. The teaching learning process will never get a good achievement, optimal result when there is no clearance from the government. English is taught very poor as it is taught by many unqualified teachers, as it has no clear and exact guidance. English is taught mostly by the class teachers, and other unqualified teachers, they have no English graduate. what will happen if certain subject is taught by unqualified teachers? Of course it will result in malpractice, maltreatment in teaching. The students are not treated well. There’ll be many mistakes. The education will never get the best result but it will get the worst. Do we want our golden generation get the worst in English? Of course they can not compete with other nations in the world.

Due to the condition above, the Indonesian government should respond it. English should be transparently explained, English should be regulated and managed it.The government should make a clear regulation concerning about English education at elementary school. Our hope is that English will be taught properly and is considered as an important subject to be taught earlier by  professional English teachers. Then English can be mastered by our nation and we can do much by our English mastery in the uncertain athmosphere of the world. lndonesia can do. Let’s begin!!!

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