Cardinal Number
1 | One | 11 | Eleven | 21 | Twenty one |
2 | Two | 12 | Twelve | 22 | Twenty two |
3 | Three | 13 | Thirteen | 23 | Twenty three |
4 | Four | 14 | Fourteen | 24 | Twenty four |
5 | Five | 15 | Fifteen | 25 | Twenty five |
6 | Six | 16 | Sixteen | 26 | Twenty six |
7 | Seven | 17 | Seventeen | 27 | Twenty seven |
8 | Eight | 18 | Eighteen | 28 | Twenty eight |
9 | Nine | 19 | Nineteen | 29 | Twenty nine |
10 | Ten | 20 | Twenty | 30 | Thirty |
42 | Forty two | 700 | Seven hundred |
56 | Fifty six | 999 | Nine hundred and ninety nine |
67 | Sixty seven | 1000 | One thousand |
70 | Seventy | 2000 | Two thousand |
88 | Eighty eight | 2012 | Two thousand and twelve |
99 | Ninety nine | 7004 | Seven thousand and four |
100 | One hundred | 10000 | Ten thousand |
201 | Two hundred and one | 100000 | One hundred thousand |
320 | Three hundred and twenty | 1000000 | One million |
695 | Six hundred and ninety nine | 1000000000 | One billion |
Ordinal Number
1st | Fisrt | 11th | Eleventh | 21st | Twenty First |
2nd | Second | 12th | Twelfth | 22nd | Twenty Second |
3rd | Third | 13th | Thirteenth | 23rd | Twenty third |
4th | Fourth | 14th | Fourteenth | 24th | Twenty fourth |
5th | Fifth | 15th | Fifteenth | 25th | Twenty fifth |
6th | Sixth | 16th | Sixteenth | 26th | Twenty sixth |
7th | Seventh | 17th | Seventeenth | 27th | Twenty seventh |
8th | Eighth | 18th | Eighteenth | 28th | Twenty eighth |
9th | Ninth | 19th | Nineteenth | 29th | Twenty ninth |
10th | Tenth | 20th | Twentieth | 30th | Thirtieth |
31st | Thirty first |
Ø Cardinal Number (Bilangan Pokok) digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah bilangan
Ø Ordinal Number(Bilangan Bertingkat) digunakan untuk menyatakan tingkatan/urutan dan tanggal.
Mathematics Symbols
+ | Plus |
- | Minus |
x | Multiplied by/times |
: | Divided by |
= | Equals/is |
1. I have twenty marbles
2. Mustofa was born on October 22nd 1984
3. Shinta celebrates her birthday on January 1st every year
4. Seven plus eight equals fifteen
5. Ten minus six is four
6. Three multiplied by four is twelve
7. Twenty divided by four equals five