Flu (Dongeng Anak Karya Kak Zepe) - Cerita Anak Dongeng Anak, Cerita Anak TK PAUD, Dongeng Dua Bahasa, Buku Dongeng)

Today, Steffy is absent. She does not go to school. She has the flu. Her nose is running. He sneezes a lot. He coughs a lot. When she sneezes, she covers her mouth. When she coughs, she covers his mouth. When her nose is running, she wipes her nose with a tissue or a hanky . Steffy’s mother is taking care of her. She makes hot noodle for her. She gives Steffy warm tea. She makes Steffy comfortable in his bed. She reads Steffy a storybook. She turns out the light so Steffy can sleep in his bed. She gives him medicine so Steffy will get better. She prays for Steffy. Steffy’s mother hopes that Steffy will be better soon.

Terjemahan (Translation):

Hari ini, Steffy absen. Dia tidak berangkat ke sekolah. Dia kena flu. Hidungnya beringus. Dia bersin-bersin. Dia batuk-batuk. Ketika dia bersin, dia menutup mulutnya. Ketika dia batuk, dia menutup mulutnya. Ketika hidungnya beringus, dia mengelapnya dengan sebuah tisu atau sapu tangan. Mama Steffi menjaganya. Dia membuat mie panas untuknya. Dia member Steffy teh hangat. Dia membuat Steffy nyaman di tempat tidur. Dia membacakan Steffy sebuah buku cerita. Dia menghidupkan lampu, agar Steffy bisa tidur di tempat tidur. Dia member Steffy obat agar Steffy bisa sehat. Dia berdoa untuk Steffy. Dia berdoa memohon agar Steffy cepat sehat.

Kosa Kata (Vocabularies):

1. Sneezing (bersin)

2. Coughing (batuk)

3. Tissue (tisu)

4. noodle (mie)

5. tea (teh)

6. pray (berdoa)

7. bed (tempat tidur)

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