The Baby Parrots (Dongeng Dua Bahasa, Cerita Bilingual, Cerita anak Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia, Cerita Anak-anak)

The Baby Parrots

There was a nest in a tree. The baby parrots lived in that nest. There were two baby parrots there. They were green baby parrot and red baby parrot. The baby parrots were waiting for mama parrot. They felt hungry. The green parrot said, ”When will Mom go home?”

Five minutes later, they saw mama parrot. “Mom is going home!” said the red parrot. She landed on the nest. She had two cherries in her beak. She gave one cherry to each baby parrot. “The cherries were very delicious” said the green parrot. The baby parrots ate the cherries very fast. The red baby parrots said, “Thank you Mom!” Then the baby parrots were taking a rest.


Ada sebuah sarang burung di atas pohon. Anak burung beo tinggal di dalam sarang. Ada dua ekor burung beo. Mereka adalah beo hijau dan beo merah. Anak-anak burung beo menunggu mama beo. Mereka merasa lapar. Beo hijau berkata,”Kapan Mama akan pulang?”

Lima menit kemudian, mereka melihat mama beo. “Mama pulang!” kata anak beo merah. Mama beo mendarat di atas sarang. Dia membawa dua buah ceri di paruhnya. DIa memberikan satu ceri kepada masing-masing beo. “Cerinya sangat enak!” Kata beo hijau. Anak-anak beo memakan ceri sangat cepat. Anak-anak beo berkata,”Terima kasih Mama!” Lalu anak beo itu beristirahat.

Vocabularies (Kosa Kata):

(sarang burung)

(burung beo)

(buah-buah ceri)


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