With the use of flash disks that are common everywhere, to become one of its mushroom virus, the virus mainly local. This is seen since the virus successfully brontok. Until now, I often see almost every computer / laptop friends in the office affected the virus, which sometimes they do not recognize. In addition to drowning, which should continuously updated at least once a week, there is actually a very useful tips to prevent its spread the virus from the media such as flash disk without us realized.
Next steps:
Open the Registry Editor, click the Start Menu> Run and type regedit and click OK.
Find Location:
KEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \Policies \ Explorer
Create a new key (Right click> New> DWORD Value) with the name: NoDriveAutoRun
Double click to fill the value (of data). Select Base: Decimal Value and enter data with the value 67108863
If needed, can also add the same value in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Restart the computer!!