Industrial Software Sumbang 6.5% to GDP

JAKARTA - During the last four years since 2005, the software industry is estimated to contribute as much 6.5 percent to the Gross Domestic Product of Indonesia.
This is disclosed, the Director of SMS & P (Small Medium Solutions and Partners) PT Microsoft Indonesia to journalist in Blitz Megaplex, Pacific Place, Sudirman, Jakarta, Selasa (24/3/2009)."Equity of the software in the potential of the nation's economy," said Lucas.According to Lucas, as one of the players in the software industry, Microsoft is trying to help the government for campaigning for the use of legal software to support the national economy. The high number of piracy reached 84 percent, at least, has been hurt the country economically.Therefore, Microsoft is not only working to campaigning for the use of legal software, but also to give the initiative to set up the availability of software for users, especially Small and Medium Enterprises."One of Microsoft to provide a payment program gradually, and this makes customers more light in the legal software," said Lucas.Microsoft expects the provision of legal software is cheap and can increase the beneficial use of information technology in both kalangankorporat, or small business.In addition, Microsoft also provides solutions in the form of consultation alokasisoftware for Foreign or multinational companies operating in Indonesia to ensure that the software used in the branches are located in Indonesia. Microsoft is targeting India as much 23 thousand new customers with the cost of providing support piagaam registration of Intellectual Property of 50 percent.

"HKI charter fee depending on how many PC's are audited," said Lucas.

All Microsoft programs that do this will last until June 2009.periode is in accordance with a campaign that carried the team's national Intellectual Property Rights Violations of a new 12 February 2009 Dicanangkan ago.