Here Are the Game Developers Choice Awards Winners

As you might have figured out until now, this week, the main event in gaming is the Game Developers Conference, which is held in San Francisco, in the United States. We've already seen quite a lot of big announcements about new games and received some juicy details and trailers about future releases.

Yesterday saw the Game Developers Choice Awards take place, which was presented by famous designer Tim Schafer, the head of Double Fine studios. He really got the crowd into a good atmosphere with insider jokes and spicy details about the development process of a game for the major platforms on the market.

We've made a round up of all the award categories and the games that won the prestigious prizes. You can also check out the list of nominations for the awards here.

Best Debut – LittleBigPlanet
Best Audio – Dead Space
Best Game Design – LittleBigPlanet
Best Downloadable Game – World of Goo
Best Handheld Game – God of War for the PlayStation Portable
Ambassador Award - Tommy Tallarico, co-creator of the Video Games Live orchestra
Best Writing – Fallout 3
Best Technology – LittleBigPlanet
Best Visual Art – Prince of Persia
Pioneer Award - Alex Rigopulos and Eran Egozy, founders of Harmonix
Innovation Award – LittleBigPlanet
Lifetime Achievement Award – Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear Solid franchise
Game of the Year – Fallout 3.

So, there you have it, the developers have spoken, as it seems that LittleBigPlanet and Fallout 3 dominated their choices. It is worth mentioning that big titles such as Grand Theft Auto IV or Left 4 Dead have gone unrewarded, as they were nominated for quite a lot of categories and even won a lot more awards from other organizations.

All in all, it was a fantastic show, filled with a great performance from Tim Schafer and a few game parodies from Mega64. Do you agree or disagree with their choices? Leave us your selection of games for these prizes by posting a comment below.